Sunday, May 16, 2010

Watch the worth seeing animated movies of the 90's online


A great way to watch a movie is with suspension of disbelief - Just trust what the producers present come up with and don't question it. With that, "Anastasia" is one of the most awesome movies I've seen in some time. It's like an old musical, with people spontaneously erupting into choreographed dance, but with modern dialog, an enjoyable romance, and action sequences to keep things moving. The music, while nothing to remember to the point of distraction, was perfect for humming, and even worked to advance the plot - Unlike so many animated songs put in for the sake of having a song. So it wasn't historically perfect - if it were, there'd be no story. Go ahead and feel smug that you know what really happened, but don't turn to comment to your neighbor, lest you miss one minute of the wonderfully unfolding plot.


Magic, adventures, laughs, love... This animated feature has everything mixed, and the result is quite good! The film is about the classic tale of "Aladdin and the magic lamp", so the story is well known by everybody. Despite it is for children, the quality of the characters is great, the story, though predictable and typical, results interesting and, which is more important, it males us to spend a good hour and a half. In addition, action scenes are well ended and most characters are very charismatic. Aladdin is sympathetic form the beginning and most secondary characters are simply perfect. The "acting" of the Genius is superb in his strangeness and absurd, and Yafar is well remembered as one of the "best" bad ones of the history of cinema. It exhales an immense aura of evilness hardly ever seen in a movie...


You'll be enchanted right from the first number, in which the five Muses (from Greek mythology) set the stage of ancient Greece in a powerhouse gospel number which gives a whole new meaning to a Greek chorus. Recalling the three ladies in Little Shop of Horrors or Motown groups like the Supremes, the Muses appear randomly throughout the movie to narrate the story of Hercules with jazzy musical numbers that you'll be humming for days. The writing is the wittiest in any Disney movie ever, with constant in-jokes and hilarious references to Greek mythology to reward the amateur scholar. The lyrics, too, are witty and full of tricky rhyme schemes that must have been a doozy to write but play out perfectly on screen.

lion King(1994)

The Lion King is one of the few recent Disney movies that has it all: an enchanting score, great vocal talents, good casting and a charming original story. It will entertain young and old with just the right amount of romance (a very sweet romance too I might add), adventure and suspense. Worthy of it's extended run on the big screen by far, it was also the only disney movie I can think of that got a half decent sequel...(unlike Aladdin whose sequels are not even worth calling cartoons let alone movies), this beautiful story about the balance of life will hold it's charm for years and is destined to be passed down from generation to generation as a true family classic!

Beauty and the Beast(1991)

Beauty and the Beast is an engaging movie with so much care and beauty fused into its core. Beauty is much more than just an influential animated classic. It is a grand and powerful fable, sugar coated with the best animation effort in a time where CGI was becoming a movie mainstay. In its finest moments, Beauty is a rousing musical, making your head move and getting caught up right in the mix. The score is unforgettable and the characters are so easy to get into. A movie that children and adults alike will love, Disney deserved its Academy Award nominations for creating such a joy.

Watch the best animted movies online at Disneyanimatedmovies

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